A R I Z O N A    S O L A R    E  X  P  E R T


Consult - Finance - Installation 

Solar State 48 

Solar State 48 is a Phoenix-Arizona-based, family-owned solar and roofing business that focuses on creating a triple-win scenario for our clients. Best Price, Best Service, Best Products, Guaranteed.  We have made it easy for customers to schedule a virtual consultation with our local solar energy and roofing consultants so that you don't have to worry about coming in contact with anyone while we are all dealing with the COVID-19 situation. This is a completely free evaluation to see what going solar would look like physically on your home, how it'll financially impact you, and what options you have. 

Protect Your Family

Power grid outages are growing in number every year as the grid deteriorates. Planned blackouts, riots, and storms can cause harm to your family. Turn your home into a power plant by adding solar!

Lower Energy Costs

Has the utility company ever sent you a letter stating that they are going to be lowering your energy costs? Short answer is No, of course not. With solar you lock in your power costs.

Invest In Your Home

If you want to make a smart investment, then using money you'd have to spend anyway to power your home on a solar system is one of the smartest any home owner can make. Your home is one of the biggest ways to grow your wealth and solar adds equity quickly.

Tax Credits

Does your home qualify for solar based tax credits? What are they? How much are the tax credits worth to you? These are great questions, let us help you quickly and easily find out these answers. Just sign up for a no cost, no obligation quote. 



The benefits of solar energy continue to grow. Some of the most common advantages of a photovoltaic system include: 
  • Provide clean and renewable solar-generated electricity for your home
  • Stabilize your electricity costs 
  • Take advantage of solar rebates, incentives, and tax credits 
  • Lower your carbon footprint 
  • Protect your children’s future
  • Create a secure electric source for your family 
  • Use your solar panels to charge your electric car 
  • Feel empowered by providing your own energy source
  • Send clean, solar-generated electricity back to your utility to help stabilize the electrical grid
  • Increase the resale value of your property with solar panels 
  • Feel good knowing you’re doing your part to reduce carbon emissions and create a more sustainable future 

Special Features list

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Feature A

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Feature B

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Feature C

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Feature D

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Our Main Services

0  1
Service A

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0  2
Service B

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0  3
Service C

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W  H  A  T    I  S    D  I  F  F  E  R  E  N  T

Changes to Solar Tax Credit

The federal solar tax credit, also known as the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), allows eligible homeowners and businesses to reduce their federal tax liability by a percentage of the total cost of their residential or commercial solar panel installation, and to roll over any remaining balance into subsequent tax years. From 2020-2022, the solar tax credit is worth 26% of your total solar panel installation costs. In 2023, it will drop down to 22%. Then, in 2024, it will expire altogether for residential solar panels. Commercial solar panels will be eligible for a 10% credit from 2024 on. So, it goes without saying that there is no better time than right now to go solar.

We Are Awesome At Our Work

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Our Clients Say

Our wonderful community members are a big reason we do what we do.

Rebecca A.

The main reason we chose to go solar was to do our part in helping making the planet a little cleaner by reducing carbon emissions while also lowering our utility bills monthly! 

Web Designer
Daniel E.

We put 18 solar panels on our roof and we’re saving about $100 per month, which will equate to about $30,000 in savings over the life of the system. We couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out.

Clara C.

My mom just received her first solar bill. Her utility bill used to be $80 a month on dirty energy, now it's $24 on clean energy... and it cost her absolutely NOTHING, ZERO DOWN to get it installed!


Want to schedule a time for a consult?

Go to our booking page and select a time that works for you. It super simple, give it a try now.

A U T H O R I Z E D    S O L A R    E  X  P  E R T


Fill out a form and ask a question or let us know how we can help. 

Our aim is to provide information, options, and solutions when it comes to your roof and solar energy needs. 

A+ Rated Installations

Copyright © 2021 - SOLAR STATE 48 LLC


Since 2019


4645 S. 36th St, Phoenix, AZ 85040
9AM - 7PM Mon - Sat

480-605-4488 Call or Text